Twin Trees Children’s Books

Based upon the great popularity of “The Sampoerna Legacy: A Family & Business History” (2007), the Twin Trees children’s books proved that family history, values, traditions, and positive messages has universal appeal for all age groups. These fascinating books are suitable for children (and adults) of all ages.

Liem Seeng Tee

Tjiang Nio

Swie Ling

Nan Liem

Twin Trees Series

The Sampoerna Legacy is the unique chronicle of the Sampoerna family, beginning in 1893 with the birth of Liem Seeng Tee and moving through four distinguished generatoins. It is an inspiring account of overcoming personal and financial tragedies, of building and rebuilding a successful tobacco business, and a vibrant celebration of family, tradition, Indonesian culture, and the constant striving for excellence.

Liem Seeng Tee begins telling his story at 41/2 and as he grows, his challenges abound. But he has a positive nature and chooses to see them as exciting adventures, learning many languages and skills along the way. By age 17, still impoverished, he’s off to his future – and the second book where he meets his resourceful wife.

Tjiang Nio narrates this portion of the Family’s story when, at 14, she meets Liem Seeng Tee. They soon marry and begin building a business at which she proves so enterprising that Seeng Tee says, “Everything you touch turns to gold”. But Tjiang Nio shows gold isn’t just money—that there are personal qualities worth more than gold.

Swie Ling is the son of Liem Seeng Tee and Tjiang Nio and he narrates this portion of the Family’s story beginning with their golden years. Then WWII brought the Japanese occupation of Indonesia and all, except for a few jewels, was lost. Turbulent political times surrounded Swie Ling throughout his life, but he persevered and solved each problem he encountered—eventually saving Sampoerna’s legacy.

Nan Liem is an elegant Dutch-Chinese woman who narrates this portion of the Sampoerna Family’s story. She marries Liem Swie Ling in Indonesia during extremely dangerous and impoverished times. But Nan adapts to every obstacle with her adventurous and inquisitive spirit. For close to 100 years, Nan challenges boundaries to live a passionate and fiercely independent life.

Twin Trees Series

